







Harriet Schechter
author, blogger, writer

Articles  Harriet has been commissioned to write feature articles for a broad range of publications, including national magazines such as Consumers Digest and Family Circle; regional Auto Club magazines (Westways, New Mexico Journey, Puget Sound Journey, and Texas Journey); entrepreneurial publications (Home Office Computing and Entrepreneur's Home Office); and pet fancier magazines (Cat Fancy and Dog Fancy). She was also a frequent features contributor to the San Diego Union-Tribune. Her newspaper articles have been syndicated by Copley News Service.

Books  Harriet has authored three books published by major publishers:

Let Go of Clutter (McGraw-Hill, 2001; also published in German and Japanese editions)

Conquering Chaos at Work (Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 2000; also available in electronic editions)

More Time for Sex: The Organizing Guide for Busy Couples (Plume/Penguin, 1996; also in hardcover, Chinese and Australian editions)

Column  Harriet originated the "Organized Outlook" column for sdhome magazine, an award-winning quarterly publication of the San Diego Union-Tribune.




     Copyright 2000-2023 by Harriet Schechter